
Mt Royal Cougars

Monday, September 19, 2011

Captains's Blog...(unedited)

First weekend trip, CHECK. Our long trek to llyodminster proved worthwhile, coming out of our first game with a 4-0 win against the Lakeland rustlers. Congrats goes out to speedy raptor Monica Neilson for winning player of the game. Her defensive performance proved too much for the rustlers to handle. The high of winning the Lakeland game carried over into the second game against Red Deer college queens where the Cougars controlled the first half with their high tempo and solid play. Unfortunately, a few mistakes led to a 2-1 loss to the Queens but these errors are easily fixed and the Cougars know what to do going forward. Overall, it was a successful trip with many laughs along the way. Everyone is looking forward to our home opener against MHC this saturday, see you all there! Ps be ready for some new fundraising events (calendar or carwash;))