
Mt Royal Cougars

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Captain's Blog - week 2 pre-season.....

Hey Cougars!
Were just heading into the end of our second week of Cougar training and
the team is coming together nicely! The weekend came with some highs and
lows. One of our highs was a 3-1 victory against local Calgary team U of C Dinos! A great
kick off to the season!! Even though the weather conditions were comparable 
to the Arabian desert everyone busted their butts on the field and coach Tino
was very impressed by the hard work. And a congratulations to team Captain
Janelle and defender Mallory who clocked over 300 minutes of hard work on
the field!
After some recovery from the weekend the Cougars jumped right back into things
amping it up with 2 weeks of two a days so we can be the utmost prepared for this season
because COUGARS TAKE NO PRISONERS!!! Lets hit the next two weeks full force
ladies! Go Cougars!!